
General Web Submissions:


Me and my friends have spent countless hours recounting stories around a table on my back patio. That’s what this space is for. Just some folks sharing things/art in a casual setting. Enjoy the breeze. Back Patio Press aims to celebrate the gritty, horrid aspects of life as well as the tranquil and serene ones. Here is an interview that might clarify what we’re looking for.

General Guidelines:   Up to 1,000 words for fiction/nonfiction and up to three pages for poetry. Slam em in the body of an email or as a .txt or .doc(x) attachment. fuck .pdf though all my homies hate portable documents.

Excerpts: If you have an indie book coming out or that has been published in the last year submit up to 1,000 words. If accepted we’ll publish the excerpt and a link to the purchase page.

Fiction: We greatly enjoy the absurdity of everyday life. Slice of life is good but don’t be afraid to get weird with it. Weird shit rules. One piece or across a coupla flashies up to 1k words

Non-FictionWe strongly recommend sending in book reviews. People should review more books. You can also send essays, grocery lists, diary entries, whatever you want really. 1k words maximum for personal essay shit, but longer for reviews is def ok though.

Poetry: Up to 3 pages maximum. Don’t make us do weird formatting cmon man

Art: no visual art at this time unless it really rips

How to: Submit work to with SUBMISSION in the subject line. include the title and author and brief bio in the body of the email. keep it fun and flirty

Who’s reading: Kurt, Zac, and Cavin